Making of Adem

Finally, I am posting about how I made Adem. Although I have posted other things separately, this post is going to be a very long one. Other pictures I posted previously are located here. And a walk cycle test is here to post everything all together about Adem. I had a ball&socket armature made for […]


Adem… My next post will be about the Creation Of Adem. There is a lot to post so I think a separate one for the pictures could be better. Here some pictures I have just taken. You can click to enlarge. .

And Adem’s Ball&Socket Armature…

Here he is Adem’s armature. I received this armature couple weeks ago but did not have a chance to post here. It is simply beautiful. Many thanks to Erol Akbarci who made this armature for me. It works great!!! Very clean, carefully produced. This is 5.5″ You see that he has very long arms. I […]

Custom ball and socket armature for Adem

I placed an order for a custom ball and socket armature for Adem. It has been an hard decision to make… For me stop motion is a real art form. I do not expect to make money out of it. This is not my “job” instead this is my “art” that I am learning step […]

meet adem and kush

These are the characters of my stop motion short. Meet ?? Nope, not yet. But for now, let me give you some information about the characters: Adem: The name “adem” is the turkish word for “adam” He is an human being slave of the chronos. Kush: The bird that lives on top of the Tree […]

Kabak Çekirdeklerim!

Kimin ne dediğinin belli olmadığı, anlam veremediğim kızgınlıkların kol gezdiği, herkesin kendine göre haklı ve diğerine göre haksız olduğu karmakarışık bir yaz sabahıydı. Ortada dönüp duran tartışmadan bunalmış, bakışlarımı kaçıracak bir yer ararken, sedirde duran OT dergisinin arka kapağında rastladım aşağıdaki yazıya: İnsanın ortak kaderi doğum, ölüm ve o aradaki zaman, yaşam… Doğmak, ölmek isteğe […]

Bu Site De Neyin Nesi

7 yıl olmuş, ben bu bloğu açalı. İlk yazım 20 eylül 2008. Bugün 14 Temmuz 2015 ve ben son birkaç gündür süren site güncelleme çalışmalarım sonrası, Türkçe bölümünü yayına soktum. Bir şekilde bu web sitesine gelip, bu yazıya rastladıysanız, bir de üstüne merak ediyorsanız açıklayayım. 7 yıl önce bu günlerde bir stop-motion film çalışmasına başladım. […]

Chronos – Late Goodbye To An Old Friend

Time was made for slaves… Yes, I was never able to finish Chronos. After my post dated Feb 2011 here, I kept working on my stop motion film for more time but did not post here. During that time, I added more scenes, puppets, ideas, etc.. And eventually we moved out to a new house […]

Chronos Stop Motion Animation Tests: 2012/II

A moving shadow stop motion animation test on the wooden floor set and a test of Adem dropping pearls on an old wooden floor. These were the last animation tests I did for the film Chronos.

Scene: Dropping Pearls – Test shots and making of floor

The first scene I will be shooting is Adem dropping pearls on an old wooden floor. I made the floor and did some test shots. What I wanted to have here was a shallow depth of field. Mike has been a huge help on setting up FZ50 and learning about shallow depth of field. Comment […]