Stop Motion Bird Kush

Finally, I am posting about stop motion bird Kush… A lot of things happening here since my last post. I moved my studio to another room in our house, tried making a rig for Kush, purchased AnimatorHD Personal and tried Lumix. This post is going to be long enough so, I will post about these later. […]

Kush’s Armature and a Weekend Trip

I have been working on Kush. She is going to be an eagle like bird living on top of the tree of life. She is going to have a wire armature, supersculpy head. As it is spring here, we went to sea side on saturday. And I had the armature with me. Hey.. can I […]

meet adem and kush

These are the characters of my stop motion short. Meet ?? Nope, not yet. But for now, let me give you some information about the characters: Adem: The name “adem” is the turkish word for “adam” He is an human being slave of the chronos. Kush: The bird that lives on top of the Tree […]

Just clicked on new post button after months…. I am back!

Another long time with no post and this time I am back… Actually it has been some time since I started working on Chronos again but I wanted to post when I am ready. So, it is about time… While I was away, we moved to a new house. I did not have a real […]

Time was made for slaves

It has been months since my last post. Time.. huh.. Months, days, hours, years. What do they all mean? Here is my film on a computer screen as blog posts. And all the things I made, Kush, Adem, tree, clock, set pieces.. are inside boxes waiting for the day to become alive again. “Waiting”: what […]

Problem with Liquid Latex Buildup Parts

I had a problem with the hands of Adem and claws of Kush I previously made in June 2009.  Those were both fine when I first built up but after couple of months those started to get sticky. Hands became like the ones of a zombie puppet and it is not possible to hold claws […]

Making of a Bird Armature

Bird armature for Kush: Kush is an eagle like bird living on top of the tree of life… When I first started working on the bird armature, I thought I could go away with a complete wire and epoxy one. But, I want her to fly, land, shake her head,… So, especially her shoulders needed to […]

Making Ball Joints for Bird Armature

Long time no post but hard work… I have been trying to figure out making ball&socket armatures. I wanted to post when I HAD something to show. I first started with a wire armature for Kush but after couple of different wire tests, I decided to try ball joints for the bird armature. Kush will […]

Custom ball and socket armature for Adem

I placed an order for a custom ball and socket armature for Adem. It has been an hard decision to make… For me stop motion is a real art form. I do not expect to make money out of it. This is not my “job” instead this is my “art” that I am learning step […]